“A theologian is one who prays.”



What we Believe

We are a conservative, orthodox Anglican church. We profess our faith through the three ancient creeds of the Church: the Apostles, Nicene, and the Athanasian Creeds. The Holy Scriptures and the Book of Common Prayer (1928) are our rule for Faith and Practice.

How we Live the Faith

We pursue a life in God for the sake of the world in the Anglican Way. This means that we follow the “Threefold Rule.”

  • Celebrate Weekly Communion

  • Pray the Daily Office

  • Practice Personal Devotion (either through Spiritual Direction or spiritual friendships)

What we Value

  • Together in Life

  • Deep in Discipleship

  • Centered on Communion

  • Rooted in History

  • Mobilized for Mission

Helpful Links

Reformed Episcopal Church

REC100: The Reformed Episcopal Church’s church planting initiative

Book of Common Prayer (1928): the Prayer Book we use at CTK